MY Mission

At Collision Glue Systems we are here to revolutionize the Collision & PDR industries through innovation, implementation, and world class education. Taking from only the most scrutinized of ideas and making them into reality and providing that reality to our clients.

Revolutionize Industry

Our glues and tools enable your organization to repair vehicles with a simpler, faster, and more effective method.   Paired with over a century of hands-on experience, our team at CGS ensures technicians the most modern and up to date technology, techniques, and training support on demand.

A Better Way

At CGS, we do not abide by the run-of-the-mill ways.  We've evolved past the restrictions of current industry performance with revolutionary engineering.  We were fed up with being told what couldn't be done.  So... we’re proving the industry wrong.

"Where passion and integrity meet to create industry,
we will lead."
- Jeremy Smith Founder/CEO

Jeremy Smith, Founder/CEO CGS

Jeremy has compiled a team not like any other. With a career spanning over a 26 year period he has built relationships in almost every major industry. Believing that relationships are built with trust and time Collision Glue Systems has brought together not just experts but industry leaders. Collision Glue Systems influence and direction is not like anything else. You see CGS focus is not on selling tools, it's on creating the standard and solutions that all else must follow. Frustrated with lack of progress in the industry, Jeremy and his team have pushed the envelope of what was once thought not to be able to be done.

"We believe the existing standard is incomplete,
so we invented a better way!" - Jeremy Smith Founder/CEO